Thursday, June 4, 2015

Shahs of Sunset Reunion Spoilers

The Shahs of Sunset’s Finale aired on Monday so get ready for the Reunion next week! This season has been crazy to say the least, from Veil performances, to break ups, wedding cancellation, and rumors of Mike Shouhed allegedly trying to have sex with GG this season will probably go down as the best yet. The reunion of course will be filled with just as much drama as the season!

Bravo TV have released new previews of the Shahs of Sunset reunion, which include Reza’s new hair due which we must say is very appalling. While the reunion will be filled with disagreements, Theirs one thing these Shahs can all agree on, when Andy Cohen asks the Shah cast mates if they believe Asifa Mirza and her boyfriend Bobby should be together raise there hands, all the cast mates keep there hands down agreeing that its time Asifa Mirza and Bobby breakup for good! This causes Asifa to breakdown and apologize to the group for putting them all through her shit.

This reunion is sure to be a blast, as frienemies Mj and Asifa Mirza battle it out, with Asifa accusing MJ of being a fake friends who talks behind everyone’s back! Reza and Mike Shouhed battle it out when Reza accuses Mike of never making an effort to be friends with group.

In a shocking shocking moment after Mike Shouhed claims he doesnt remember trying to have Sex with GG, MJ inturupts and explains that GG and Mike Shouhed where having sex and GG freaked out and left…then screamed rape. This shocks GG, while the rest of the group agrees its a big possibility.

In this next exclusive clip of the Shahs of Sunset reunion, Asa Soltan Rahmati calls MJ out for making fun of her weight.

Are you guys excited for this years Shahs of Sunset Reunion?!!

Shahs of Sunset Reunion Spoilers

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