Sunday, October 11, 2015

Basketball Wives LA Reunion Season 4 Recap

Basketball Wives LA Season 4 Reunion

Basketball wives LA Reunion

Tonight’s Basketball Wives LA Reunion begins with its usual introduction video featuring what is coming up during tonight’s reunion special before we get our typical intro video featuring the cast of Basketball Wives LA.

Finally to the reunion and of course Shaunie O’Neal and Tami Roman are the first ladies to be introduced, followed by the Basketball Wives LA Veterans. We learn that Draya Michele wont be joining the ladies for the reunion before be introduced to Angel and Mehgan the newest cast members.

We get a look back at the feud between Mehgan James and Draya Michele before Mehgan reveals that she still doesn’t think she did anything wrong claiming that she didn’t know anyone from LA. Tami gives her thoughts claiming that Mehgan clearly lied and that she should have told the ladies that she knew Jackie.

Next Mehgan is asked about told that she has a fupa, Jackie comes in and claims that she thinks that Draya clearly didn’t like Mehgan. Mehgan wonders how she is urban meanwhile Draya’s cliterious is all over the internet. Meghan claims that she tells the truth and that the other ladies just don’t seem to like the truth.

We next get a recap of the ladies vacation, we get to watch the drama from the ladies vacation all over again. Angel explains that she met Draya first, and was surprised at how friendly she was. Brandi explains that even though Draya left, she doesn’t feel like Angel is welcomed to the group. Brandi claims that Draya left Angel in the group without any friends or connections.

Jackie claims that although people may think that she stirs the pot, she really isn’t trying to and is just simply being honest in the moment. Tami comes in with some quick shade towards Jackie before we are left at commercial.

We are back from commercial as we continue with Basketball Wives LA Season 4 Reunion. Next up we get a clip of “hurricane Mehgan” as she almost gets into a physical fight with Malaysia during the ladies vacation. (I love Mehgan smashing that class, it gives me goosebumps every time!)

Click Next to Continue to Page 2 of tonight’s Basketball Wives LA Reunion Recap

Enter Hurricane Mehgan James

Jackie claims that she didn’t try to spit on Mehgan, but simply just at her. Mehgan claims that she didn’t put her hands on Jackie because it would be like putting her hands on someone’s Mom! Malaysia claims that Jackie clearly didn’t have Mehgan’s back during the fight, Mehgan agrees that Jackie looked like she ran away from the fight instead of towards it.

Next up we get a recap of the ladies funniest one liners. “Grandmothers shouldn’t twerk” was definitely the best one liner of them all but Jackie claiming she never “been drunk” in her life was pretty up there as well. The ladies all agree that they love Jackie but at the same time she really gets on their nerves.

Jackie gets into a long discussion about how she never wears fake rings, and I just don’t really care. Brandi explains that Jackie just irritates the shit out of her, and Jackie questions why Brandi went on attack mode with Mehgan claiming that she didn’t know her. Brandi tells Jackie to close her legs, Jackie explains that she wore panties today so it’s all good! It doesn’t look like we are going to get a straight answer out of Brandi as to why she went hard on Mehgan for saying that she wasn’t close with Jackie.

Next up we get a recap of Malaysia and Brandi’s relationships with their men over the past season. We get a look back at Brandi’s relationship with Jason, Brandi explains that they are slowly fixing their relationship and that they are working on being friends first. Malaysia explains that she and her husband are still going through on the divorce and that she is enjoying single life. Most importantly she likes going to sleep at night with knowing their is no one to cheat on her.

Following this we get a recap of the ladies different fashion statements over the season, and well let just say Mehgan’s “Long Scarf” bathing suit was probably the best of the season. Not only could you see her tits but you could also see her vagina! Shaunie claims that she calls Mehgan’s bathing suit a ribbon, and she comments on how the ladies could see EVERYTHING.

Mehgan vs. Angel/Tami vs Brandi

Next we get into the drama between Angel and Malaysia as they try to hash out their beef over their fashion drama. Malaysia claims that she thanked Angel, however felt the clothing they discussed was not the same clothing that Angel brought in. Angel claims that the outfits were not whorish however Malaysia interrupts and says that they made her look like a slutty power angel. While Angel tries to explain how she felt and how she saw the situation, Malaysia forcefully interrupts and tells Angel she won’t be using her services anymore.

We are on to a recap of the beef between Mehgan and Angel, I really wish that Mehgan could have just hit Angel on the beach… we needed at least one good fight this season come on! Did anyone else Google if Angel was a prostitute or not?

Mehgan looks prepared to fight as the host asks Angel some questions about their beef. Angel claims that she is not an escort, meanwhile Mehgan pulls up some pictures from an escort post that Angel had made online. Apparently Angel is on a site called Backpages which is were you can hire escorts, clearly the picture is of Angel. However Angel claims that people are stealing her pictures and that it really isn’t her.

Mehgan claims that its disgusting how Angel blasted that she had an abortion. Mehgan tells her sad story about how she was raped and also grew up without a father, Angel fights back by claiming that she didn’t have a good childhood either. Angel defends the fact that she is certainly not an escort and Mehgan claims that Angel is lying.

Angel asks Mehgan if she’s obsessed with her, and Jackie interrupts asking how she can join the site so she can make some money. Next up we get to see a recap of the drama between Draya and Brandi. Am I the only one who is happy to see Draya quit the show? We learn that Brandi hasn’t spoken to Draya since the last time they saw each other on camera, and Brandi reveals that Draya only apologized (via social media) because she wanted the attention.

Brandi explains that nobody even the producers knew that the hidden camera footage would add, and that Draya was bragging about how Brandi would look bad because the camera footage would never make it to air. Tami rudely claims that Brandi speaks about her cancer every season and throws some shade about how Brandi can’t talk about anything else.

Brandi Maxiell will go from feuding with executive producer Shaunie O’Neal to battling it out with Tami Rowan! While Brandi is under the impression that Tami only joined the show because she is a fame thirsty whore, Tami reveals that she was actually asked by executive producer Shaunie to come in to save the show from being cancelled! Brandi certainly isn’t having it as she yells back at Tami to go back to Miami! However when Tami reveals that the Basketball Wives Miami show is gone, Brandi shades Tami in return claiming that she can’t keep a job and that she let Miami die!


Will The Ladies Return?

Back from commercial and we are getting close to the end of the show. The final topic of discussion is the tension between the Miami woman and the ladies from LA. We get a recap of the ladies from these two cities drama hit an explosion as Shaunie O’Neal tells Brandi that shes done with the show during the finale when Brandi called her a bitch.

Shaunie reveals that she invited Tami on the show because the cast needed a spark, not because Tami starts shit but because she helps the other ladies bring their personalities out. Shaunie claims that Brandi and Malaysia seem to have the same brain, while Tami claims that she gave Brandi and Malaysia the chance to reveal if they were lesbians or not!

Shaunie feels like Brandi insulted her character when she got called a bitch, Shaunie O’Neal who just so happens to also be the executive producer of Basketball Wives LA claims that she doesn’t know if she would bring the ladies back, and if she did she wasn’t sure who would go and who would stay. Brandi looks pretty upset while Mehgan James looks pretty confused.

Basketball Wives LA Reunion Season 4 Recap

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