Monday, October 5, 2015

Real Housewives of Orange County Recap Ep 18: Satan Loves Confusion

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Ep 18: Satan Loves Confusion Recap

Taglines and a Recap

Shannon Beador Tag Line
Real Housewives of Orange County’s Shannon Beador’s Tagline

The Real Housewives of Orange County begins tonight with a recap of what had unfolded during last week’s episode. Last week’s episode continued with the Brooks Ayers cancer storyline, and the ladies questioning Vicki Gunvalson’s involvement in Brooks Ayers cancer lies. While the previous episode featured the ladies all ganging up on Vicki Gunvalson; this episode featured the ladies questioning possibly forgery in Brooks Ayers medical documentation.

We get a look back as Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers sit down Tamra Judge in an attempt to squash all of the rumors surrounding Brooks Ayers cancer diagnosis. Brooks Ayers would give Tamra Judge what he referred to as medical documents confirming his cancer, in hope that she would spread the news to the other housewives that he wasn’t lying about his cancer diagnosis.

Many fans were shocked when they realized that the documents Brooks Ayers had given to Tamra Judge had incredibly amounts of errors. The most obvious being that clinical was spelt wrong on the so called medical documents. Another fan was quick to point out that most of the text had been squashed together, as if someone had forgotten to use the space bar!

When Tamra Judge explained to the other ladies that what had happened they were all skeptical as to why Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers would only show the medical documents to the least qualified of the group to actually be able to understand them! Shannon Beador was most upset because she felt like she was close enough with Vicki Gunvalson that she would also allow her to see these so called medical records.

Please click the next page option below to continue reading our live recap for tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County

Briana’ Shocking Brooks Ayers Story


One of the most shocking moments from tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County occurred when Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson’s daughter Briana sat down for a little lunch. While we will further discuss this lunch later on in our top moments recap, we felt like Briana’s revelation about Brooks Ayers cancer needed to be separated from their other discussions about Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson.

In obviously the most shocking moment of tonight’s episode Briana reveals to Tamra Judge that Brooks Ayers had told her that he had a different type of cancer before ultimately correcting himself and changing his story.

Tamra Judge starts of this part of their conversation by revealing to Briana that while its a tough question to ask her she feels like she has to. She explains that the other housewives believe that Brooks Ayers is lying to her mother Vicki Gunvalson about having cancer.

Briana starts to get upset; in her confessional Briana explains that when her mother first told her that Brooks Ayers had cancer “certain treatments” that he was receiving didn’t make sense to Briana who is an ER nurse. She reveals that in her opinion the things that she was hearing about his treatments didn’t add up in her mind.

Briana explains that when she first met Brooks Ayers that he had explained to her that he had pancreatic cancer, which clearly is not that same type of cancer that he is now claiming to have. Tamra Judge asks Briana if people can survive pancreatic cancer, which in most cases people don’t. Brooks Ayers would literally be the cancer unicorn!

Briana reveals in her confessional that she asked Brooks Ayers all the hard questions as to when and where he did chemo, and other information about his treatments. She explains that the timeline of events clearly did not add up!

When Briana further dug into his medical history Brooks Ayers finally broke down and revealed that he actually had pancreantitus, which is not only not a cancer, but occurs from excessive drinking! Tamra Judge explains to Briana about how the other week Brooks Ayers gave her medical documentation of his PET scan.

Briana confirms that the doctors office would not perform that test in their own facility due to the aggressive cancer that he claims to have! Which of course means that Brooks Ayers faked the medical documents that he gave to Tamra Judge!

Briana claims that she would kill Brooks Ayers if she ever found out that he was actually lying about having cancer, Tamra Judge explains that they need to tell her mother Vicki that Brooks Ayers is lying about having cancer!

Are Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge Becoming Best Friends?


Are Real Housewives of Orange County co stars Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador slowly becoming best friends? It was only a year ago when Shannon Beador made her debut on the Real Housewives of Orange County, and during that time her and Tamra Judge continued to bump heads with each other.

<<Top 5 Reasons Why Brooks Ayers Doesn’t Have Cancer>>

Shannon Beador’s debut on the Reality TV show was clearly met with fans approval, which ended up hitting a jealous seed in Tamra Judge. During Shannon’s first season Tamra Judge couldn’t help but mess with her, even stirring up a fight between Shannon Beador and Heather Dubrow over a comment she actually made up.

Since then the ladies stayed clear of each other, barely speaking to each other in between filming last years season, and the beginning of this years. However something strange happened in the middle of the season, and that was Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador actually were getting along.

These two went on vacation together with the other ladies, and seemed to bond really quick over their love of alcohol and dancing. Within a matter of weeks these former enemies were now out having lunch together without Vicki Gunvalson, the friend that introduced these two ladies to each other.

<<Vicki Gunvalson Believes Brooks Ayers Lied to Her About Having Cancer!>>

On tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County, Shannon Beador along with her newfound best friends Tamra Judge and Heather Dubrow sit down for an emotion drama filled lunch together.

Shannon Beador expresses her gratitude towards both of the ladies for their friendship over the past few months. She continues to gush over how amazing their friendship means to her before explaining that she now feels like she can trust the ladies really well.

Shannon Beador reveals to Tamra Judge and Heather Dubrow that her husband David Beador had an affair on her, and that they are trying to work things out. In their confessionals both Heather Dubrow and Tamra Judge explain that they already knew about Shannon’s husband’s affair through other people, but decided to keep it themselves out of respect.

Watch Shannon Beador become best friends with Tamra Judge and Heather Dubrow in this exclusive clip below.

Briana Claims Vicki Gunvalson’s Mom Didn’t Like Brooks Ayers


Tamra Judge who is a longtime friend of Vicki Gunvalson sits down with Vicki’s daughter Briana to discuss her opinions on Brooks Ayers. Tamra Judge and Briana start off their conversation light; before discussing Brooks Ayers and her mother’s relationship.

Briana explains to Tamra Judge that while she is currently visiting town and staying at her mother’s house she has not seen Brooks Ayers. Briana reveals that she still refuses to be in the same room as Brooks Ayers, therefor he is not around while she is staying with her mother for a family visit. Tamra Judge being the queen of stirring the pot asks Briana if she allows her children to interact with Brooks Ayers.

Briana explains that Brooks Ayers will never be allowed anywhere near her kids, so the answer is no she does not let Brooks Ayers interact with her children. Tamra Judge asks Briana what Vicki Gunvalson’s family thinks about her relationship with Brooks Ayers.

<<Vicki Gunvalson Believes Brooks Ayers Lied to Her About Having Cancer!>>

Briana explains that her entire family disapproves of Brooks Ayers, and that even her grandmother (Vicki Gunvalson’s mother who recently passed away,) hated Brooks Ayers. Tamra Judge acts surprised as we get a flashback of Vicki Gunvalson finding out about her mother’s death. During this flashback Vicki claims that her mother had just told her the other day how much she liked Brooks Ayers.

Briana gets a wild look on her face as she further explains that not a single person on Vicki Gunvalson side of the family like Brooks Ayers and none of them have ever met him. Check out this exclusive clip below.

 Other Top Moments

Vicki Gunvalson believes the ladies are trying to confuse her with their wicked thoughts!

Shannon Beador has problem….colonic problems…. that her husband David is forced to not only see but help her with…. Enema Enema Enema…. poor stuck plastic bag that stuck up Shannon’s ass…. yup you can’t make this up!

Real Housewives of Orange County Recap Ep 18: Satan Loves Confusion

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